Simplicity & Clarity are key when there is so much happening. Focus on what is essential & direct energy where it is needed most, laying the foundation for new habits and routines. Every day is a P...
This is a time to pause as the decisions that are made at this time will have a ripple effect on education, children & families for years to come. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtodayThe dramatic paus...
In this time of uncertainty, it can be easy to lose our way. Taking time to pause & refocus is critical to helping us seek a new path on which to resume our journey. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtod...
Each day we rely on habits & routines to navigate our day. Now, these habits & routines will need to shift to our new reality. This will be difficult but what an opportunity to reshape our today & ...
The destination is not clear, but we must set off. Let us do so with utmost care for those with whom we travel. Help them find their strengths & use it to explore & learn. Every day is a PD day. #m...
The journey has begun and we have set off on a new course, drawing the map as we go. We don't know where it will take us. We must make bold decisions without rushing recklessly into the unknown. Ev...
Professional development is a daily pursuit of improvement. It requires small steps, critical reflection and feedback, and venturing just beyond where one was yesterday! Sometimes, when we're ready, we can leap into new adventures but it's the small daily steps that lead us to leap boldly. I'm exploring those daily steps hoping you'll join me and, then, when you are ready, take that bold leap!
“To relentlessly pursue supporting educators to develop creativity and innovation in the classroom through connections, relationships and effective professional development.”